Giannis Gasteratos



  • Birds
    • Galliformes
      • Phasianidae
        • Phasianus
          • Common Pheasant
        • Tetrastes
          • Hazel Grouse
        • Alectoris
          • Chukar Partridge
          • Rock Partridge
        • Tetrao
          • Western Capercaillie
        • Coturnix
          • Common Quail
    • Suliformes
      • Sulidae
        • Morus
          • Northern Gannet
      • Phalacrocoracidae
        • Phalacrocorax
          • Pygmy Cormorant
    • Passeriformes
      • Muscicapidae
        • Turdus
          • Mistle Thrush
          • Common Blackbird
          • Song Thrush
        • Erithacus
          • European Robin
        • Phoenicurus
          • Black Redstart
        • Muscicapa
          • Spotted Flycatcher
        • Oenanthe
          • Black eared Wheatear
          • Northern Wheatear
        • Ficedula
          • Collared Flycatcher
        • Monticola
          • Blue Rock Thrush
          • Common Rock Thrush
      • Emberizidae
        • Emberiza
          • Rock Bunting
          • Black headed Bunting
          • Corn Bunting
          • Cirl Bunting
          • Ortolan Bunting
          • Cinereous Bunting
      • Paridae
        • Parus
          • Willow Tit
          • Marsh Tit
          • Blue Tit
          • Great Tit
          • Coal Tit
      • Laniidae
        • Lanius
          • Great Grey Shrike
          • Masked Shrike
          • Lesser Grey Shrike
          • Woodchat Shrike
          • Red backed Shrike
      • Hirundinidae
        • Riparia
          • Sand Martin
        • Delichon
          • Common House Martin
        • Hirundo
          • Barn Swallow
        • Ptyonoprogne
          • Eurasian Crag Martin
        • Cecropis
          • Red rumped Swallow
      • Phylloscopidae
        • Phylloscopus
          • Wood Warbler
          • Willow Warbler
      • Remizidae
        • Remiz
          • Eurasian Penduline Tit
      • Sylvioidea
        • Sylvia
          • Garden Warbler
          • Subalpine Warbler
          • Common Whitethroat
        • Locustella
          • Savi's Warbler
        • Acrocephalus
          • Great Reed Warbler
        • Hippolais
          • Icterine Warbler
      • Fringillidae
        • Pyrrhula
          • Eurasian Bullfinch
        • Serinus
          • European Serin
        • Loxia
          • Red Crossbill
        • Carduelis
          • European Greenfinch
      • Alaudidae
        • Galerida
          • Crested Lark
        • Calandrella
          • Greater Short toed Lark
      • Oriolidae
        • Oriolus
          • Eurasian Golden Oriole
      • Motacillidae
        • Anthus
          • Tawny Pipit
          • Red throated Pipit
          • Meadow Pipit
        • Motacilla
          • White Wagtail
          • Western Yellow Wagtail
      • Corvidae
        • Nucifraga
          • Spotted Nutcracker
        • Corvus
          • Western Jackdaw
          • Rook
      • Passeridae
        • Passer
          • Eurasian Tree Sparrow
          • House Sparrow
          • Spanish Sparrow
      • Sturnidae
        • Sturnus
          • Common Starling
      • Cettiidae
        • Cisticola
          • Zitting Cisticola
      • Turdidae
        • Saxicola
          • Whinchat
          • African Stonechat
      • Sittidae
        • Sitta
          • Western Rock Nuthatch
    • Anseriformes
      • Anatidae
        • Anser
          • Greylag Goose
          • Greater White fronted Goose
        • Cygnus
          • Tundra Swan
          • Mute Swan
        • Anas
          • Mallard
        • Netta
          • Red crested Pochard
        • Tadorna
          • Ruddy Shelduck
    • Columbiformes
      • Columbidae
        • Columba
          • Stock Dove
          • Common Wood Pigeon
          • Rock Dove
        • Streptopelia
          • Oriental Turtle Dove
          • European Turtle Dove
    • Strigiformes
      • Strigidae
        • Glaucidium
          • Eurasian Pygmy Owl
        • Otus
          • Eurasian Scops Owl
        • Athene
          • Little Owl
        • Asio
          • Long eared Owl
        • Strix
          • Tawny Owl
      • Tytonidae
        • Tyto
          • Barn Owl
    • Pelecaniformes
      • Pelecanidae
        • Pelecanus
          • Great White Pelican
          • Dalmatian Pelican
    • Falconiformes
      • Falconidae
        • Falco
          • Eurasian Hobby
          • Common Kestrel
          • Peregrine Falcon
    • Accipitriformes
      • Accipitridae
        • Circus
          • Western Marsh Harrier
          • Montagu's Harrier
        • Aquila
          • Greater Spotted Eagle
          • Eastern Imperial Eagle
        • Accipiter
          • Eurasian Sparrowhawk
          • Levant Sparrowhawk
          • Northern Goshawk
        • Gyps
          • Griffon Vulture
        • Pernis
          • European Honey Buzzard
        • Circaetus
          • Short toed Snake Eagle
        • Neophron
          • Egyptian Vulture
        • Buteo
          • Common Buzzard
    • Ciconiiformes
      • Ardeidae
        • Egretta
          • Little Egret
          • Great Egret
          • Black Heron
        • Ardea
          • Purple Heron
          • Grey Heron
        • Bubulcus
          • Cattle Egret
        • Ixobrychus
          • Little Bittern
        • Ardeola
          • Squacco Heron
      • Threskiornithidae
        • Platalea
          • Eurasian Spoonbill
      • Ciconiidae
        • Ciconia
          • White Stork
          • Black Stork
    • Charadriiformes
      • Scolopacidae
        • Calidris
          • Little Stint
          • Sanderling
          • Temminck's Stint
        • Arenaria
          • Ruddy Turnstone
        • Philomachus
          • Ruff
        • Tringa
          • Wood Sandpiper
          • Marsh Sandpiper
          • Common Greenshank
        • Actitis
          • Common Sandpiper
      • Charadriidae
        • Charadrius
          • Kentish Plover
          • Little Ringed Plover
        • Pluvialis
          • Grey Plover
        • Vanellus
          • Spur winged Lapwing
      • Laridae
        • Larus
          • Mediterranean Gull
          • Lesser Black backed Gull
          • Black headed Gull
          • Yellow legged Gull
          • Slender billed Gull
      • Burhinidae
        • Burhinus
          • Eurasian Stone curlew
      • Glareolidae
        • Glareola
          • Collared Pratincole
      • Sternidae
        • Sterna
          • Common Tern
          • Sandwich Tern
        • Sternula
          • Little Tern
        • Gelochelidon
          • Gull billed Tern
      • Recurvirostridae
        • Himantopus
          • Black winged Stilt
    • Gruiformes
      • Rallidae
        • Gallinula
          • Common Moorhen
        • Rallus
          • Water Rail
      • Gruidae
        • Grus
          • Common Crane
    • Coraciiformes
      • Meropidae
        • Merops
          • European Bee eater
      • Coraciidae
        • Coracias
          • European Roller
    • Procellariiformes
      • Procellariidae
        • Puffinus
          • Yelkouan Shearwater
        • Calonectris
          • Cory's Shearwater
    • Phoenicopteriformes
      • Phoenicopteridae
        • Phoenicopterus
          • Greater Flamingo
    • Apodiformes
      • Apodidae
        • Apus
          • Alpine Swift
          • Common Swift
    • Podicipediformes
      • Podicipedidae
        • Tachybaptus
          • Little Grebe
    • Piciformes
      • Picidae
        • Dendrocopos
          • White backed Woodpecker
        • Jynx
          • Eurasian Wryneck
    • Caprimulgiformes
      • Caprimulgidae
        • Caprimulgus
          • European Nightjar
    • Gaviiformes
      • Gaviidae
        • Gavia
          • Black throated Loon
European Turtle Dove
Streptopelia turtur
20 Apr. 2012
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 20 Apr. 2012
© Giannis Gasteratos
European Turtle Dove
Streptopelia turtur
8 May 2013
Common Swift
Apus apus
12 May 2013
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 12 May 2013
© Giannis Gasteratos
Common House Martin
Delichon urbicum
21 May 2013
Common Swift
Apus apus
21 May 2013
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 21 May 2013
© Giannis Gasteratos
Western Jackdaw
Corvus monedula
18 May 2013
Little Tern
Sternula albifrons
19 May 2013
Calidris alba
8 May 2013
Black headed Bunting
Emberiza melanocephala
7 May 2013
Short toed Snake Eagle
Circaetus gallicus
20 Mar. 2010
Spanish Sparrow
Passer hispaniolensis
9 Apr. 2010
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 9 Apr. 2010
© Giannis Gasteratos
Eurasian Crag Martin
Ptyonoprogne rupestris
28 Apr. 2010
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 28 Apr. 2010
© Giannis Gasteratos
Common Whitethroat
Sylvia communis
17 Apr. 2011
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 17 Apr. 2011
© Giannis Gasteratos
Eurasian Golden Oriole
Oriolus oriolus
6 May 2011
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 6 May 2011
© Giannis Gasteratos
Mediterranean Gull
Larus melanocephalus
16 Oct. 2011
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 16 Oct. 2011
© Giannis Gasteratos
Red backed Shrike
Lanius collurio
4 May 2012
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 4 May 2012
© Giannis Gasteratos
Egyptian Vulture
Neophron percnopterus
5 May 2012
Black headed Bunting
Emberiza melanocephala
5 May 2012
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 5 May 2012
© Giannis Gasteratos
Barn Swallow
Hirundo rustica
14 Aug. 2012
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 14 Aug. 2012
© Giannis Gasteratos
Zitting Cisticola
Cisticola juncidis
17 Aug. 2012
Eurasian Golden Oriole
Oriolus oriolus
8 Sep. 2012
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 8 Sep. 2012
© Giannis Gasteratos
Sand Martin
Riparia riparia
22 Apr. 2013
Wood Sandpiper
Tringa glareola
22 Apr. 2013
Red rumped Swallow
Cecropis daurica
22 Apr. 2013
European Turtle Dove - Streptopelia turtur © Giannis Gasteratos (20 Apr. 2012)
European Turtle Dove - Streptopelia turtur © Giannis Gasteratos (8 May 2013)
Common Swift - Apus apus © Giannis Gasteratos (12 May 2013)
Common House Martin - Delichon urbicum © Giannis Gasteratos (21 May 2013)
Common Swift - Apus apus © Giannis Gasteratos (21 May 2013)
Western Jackdaw - Corvus monedula © Giannis Gasteratos (18 May 2013)
Little Tern - Sternula albifrons © Giannis Gasteratos (19 May 2013)
Sanderling - Calidris alba © Giannis Gasteratos (8 May 2013)
Black headed Bunting - Emberiza melanocephala © Giannis Gasteratos (7 May 2013)
Short toed Snake Eagle - Circaetus gallicus © Giannis Gasteratos (20 Mar. 2010)
Spanish Sparrow - Passer hispaniolensis © Giannis Gasteratos (9 Apr. 2010)
Eurasian Crag Martin - Ptyonoprogne rupestris © Giannis Gasteratos (28 Apr. 2010)
Common Whitethroat - Sylvia communis © Giannis Gasteratos (17 Apr. 2011)
Eurasian Golden Oriole - Oriolus oriolus © Giannis Gasteratos (6 May 2011)
Mediterranean Gull - Larus melanocephalus © Giannis Gasteratos (16 Oct. 2011)
Red backed Shrike - Lanius collurio © Giannis Gasteratos (4 May 2012)
Egyptian Vulture - Neophron percnopterus © Giannis Gasteratos (5 May 2012)
Black headed Bunting - Emberiza melanocephala © Giannis Gasteratos (5 May 2012)
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica © Giannis Gasteratos (14 Aug. 2012)
Zitting Cisticola - Cisticola juncidis © Giannis Gasteratos (17 Aug. 2012)
Eurasian Golden Oriole - Oriolus oriolus © Giannis Gasteratos (8 Sep. 2012)
Sand Martin - Riparia riparia © Giannis Gasteratos (22 Apr. 2013)
Wood Sandpiper - Tringa glareola © Giannis Gasteratos (22 Apr. 2013)
Red rumped Swallow - Cecropis daurica © Giannis Gasteratos (22 Apr. 2013)

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