Lev Paraskevopoulos



  • Birds
    • Passeriformes
      • Emberizidae
        • Emberiza
          • Yellowhammer
          • Cretzschmar's Bunting
          • Rock Bunting
          • Black headed Bunting
          • Ortolan Bunting
          • Cirl Bunting
          • Reed Bunting
          • Pine Bunting
          • Corn Bunting
        • Plectrophenax
          • Snow Bunting
      • Corvidae
        • Corvus
          • Rook
          • Common Raven
          • Carrion Crow
        • Garrulus
          • Eurasian Jay
        • Nucifraga
          • Spotted Nutcracker
        • Pica
          • Eurasian Magpie
        • Pyrrhocorax
          • Alpine Chough
      • Laniidae
        • Lanius
          • Woodchat Shrike
          • Red backed Shrike
          • Great Grey Shrike
          • Masked Shrike
      • Sylvioidea
        • Sylvia
          • Eastern Orphean Warbler
          • Asian desert warbler
          • Barred Warbler
          • Sardinian Warbler
          • Garden Warbler
          • Eurasian Blackcap
          • Common Whitethroat
          • Lesser Whitethroat
          • Subalpine Warbler
        • Acrocephalus
          • Sedge Warbler
          • Eurasian Reed Warbler
          • Great Reed Warbler
        • Cettia
          • Cetti's Warbler
        • Hippolais
          • Icterine Warbler
        • Locustella
          • Savi's Warbler
      • Motacillidae
        • Motacilla
          • Western Yellow Wagtail
          • Grey Wagtail
          • White Wagtail
        • Anthus
          • Water Pipit
          • Tree Pipit
          • Tawny Pipit
      • Alaudidae
        • Galerida
          • Crested Lark
        • Eremophila
          • Horned Lark
        • Lullula
          • Woodlark
        • Alauda
          • Eurasian Skylark
        • Melanocorypha
          • Calandra Lark
        • Calandrella
          • Greater Short toed Lark
      • Sturnidae
        • Sturnus
          • Common Starling
          • Rosy Starling
      • Fringillidae
        • Coccothraustes
          • Hawfinch
        • Carduelis
          • European Goldfinch
          • Common Linnet
          • Eurasian Siskin
          • European Greenfinch
        • Fringilla
          • Common Chaffinch
        • Pyrrhula
          • Eurasian Bullfinch
        • Loxia
          • Red Crossbill
        • Serinus
          • European Serin
      • Paridae
        • Parus
          • Great Tit
          • Willow Tit
          • European Crested Tit
          • Blue Tit
          • Sombre Tit
          • Coal Tit
          • Marsh Tit
      • Muscicapidae
        • Luscinia
          • Bluethroat
          • Common Nightingale
        • Turdus
          • Mistle Thrush
          • Common Blackbird
          • Fieldfare
          • Song Thrush
          • Ring Ouzel
        • Phoenicurus
          • Common Redstart
          • Black Redstart
        • Erithacus
          • European Robin
        • Muscicapa
          • Spotted Flycatcher
        • Ficedula
          • Collared Flycatcher
          • Semicollared Flycatcher
        • Oenanthe
          • Northern Wheatear
          • Black eared Wheatear
        • Monticola
          • Common Rock Thrush
          • Blue Rock Thrush
        • Cercotrichas
          • Rufous tailed Scrub Robin
      • Turdidae
        • Saxicola
          • Whinchat
          • African Stonechat
      • Oriolidae
        • Oriolus
          • Eurasian Golden Oriole
      • Hirundinidae
        • Hirundo
          • Barn Swallow
        • Delichon
          • Common House Martin
        • Cecropis
          • Red rumped Swallow
        • Riparia
          • Sand Martin
      • Cinclidae
        • Cinclus
          • White throated Dipper
      • Regulidae
        • Regulus
          • Common Firecrest
          • Goldcrest
      • Phylloscopidae
        • Phylloscopus
          • Common Chiffchaff
          • Willow Warbler
          • Wood Warbler
      • Certhiidae
        • Certhia
          • Short toed Treecreeper
          • Eurasian Treecreeper
      • Remizidae
        • Remiz
          • Eurasian Penduline Tit
      • Passeridae
        • Passer
          • Spanish Sparrow
          • House Sparrow
          • Eurasian Tree Sparrow
      • Troglodytidae
        • Troglodytes
          • Eurasian Wren
      • Sittidae
        • Sitta
          • Western Rock Nuthatch
          • Eurasian Nuthatch
      • Timaliidae
        • Panurus
          • Bearded Reedling
      • Prunellidae
        • Prunella
          • Dunnock
          • Alpine Accentor
      • Tichodromadidae
        • Tichodroma
          • Wallcreeper
      • Cettiidae
        • Cisticola
          • Zitting Cisticola
      • Aegithalidae
        • Aegithalos
          • Long tailed Tit
    • Falconiformes
      • Falconidae
        • Falco
          • Red footed Falcon
          • Lanner Falcon
          • Common Kestrel
          • Eleonora's Falcon
          • Lesser Kestrel
          • Eurasian Hobby
          • Peregrine Falcon
    • Charadriiformes
      • Scolopacidae
        • Phalaropus
          • Red necked Phalarope
        • Limosa
          • Black tailed Godwit
        • Limnodromus
          • Long billed Dowitcher
        • Gallinago
          • Common Snipe
        • Philomachus
          • Ruff
        • Tringa
          • Green Sandpiper
          • Common Redshank
          • Common Greenshank
          • Wood Sandpiper
          • Spotted Redshank
        • Calidris
          • Dunlin
          • Curlew Sandpiper
          • Little Stint
        • Numenius
          • Eurasian Curlew
        • Lymnocryptes
          • Jack Snipe
        • Actitis
          • Common Sandpiper
        • Arenaria
          • Ruddy Turnstone
      • Burhinidae
        • Burhinus
          • Eurasian Stone curlew
      • Sternidae
        • Hydroprogne
          • Caspian Tern
        • Sternula
          • Little Tern
        • Chlidonias
          • Black Tern
          • Whiskered Tern
        • Sterna
          • Common Tern
          • Sandwich Tern
      • Charadriidae
        • Vanellus
          • Northern Lapwing
          • Spur winged Lapwing
        • Charadrius
          • Little Ringed Plover
          • Kentish Plover
        • Pluvialis
          • Pacific Golden Plover
          • Grey Plover
          • European Golden Plover
      • Stercorariidae
        • Stercorarius
          • Parasitic Jaeger
      • Recurvirostridae
        • Himantopus
          • Black winged Stilt
        • Recurvirostra
          • Pied Avocet
      • Laridae
        • Larus
          • Black headed Gull
          • Yellow legged Gull
          • Audouin's Gull
          • Mediterranean Gull
          • Caspian Gull
          • Slender billed Gull
      • Glareolidae
        • Glareola
          • Collared Pratincole
      • Haematopodidae
        • Haematopus
          • Eurasian Oystercatcher
    • Strigiformes
      • Strigidae
        • Glaucidium
          • Eurasian Pygmy Owl
        • Asio
          • Long eared Owl
        • Otus
          • Eurasian Scops Owl
        • Athene
          • Little Owl
        • Strix
          • Tawny Owl
      • Tytonidae
        • Tyto
          • Barn Owl
    • Accipitriformes
      • Accipitridae
        • Gyps
          • Griffon Vulture
        • Circus
          • Hen Harrier
          • Western Marsh Harrier
        • Haliaeetus
          • White tailed Eagle
        • Aquila
          • Greater Spotted Eagle
          • Eastern Imperial Eagle
          • Booted Eagle
          • Golden Eagle
          • Lesser Spotted Eagle
        • Milvus
          • Black Kite
        • Aegypius
          • Cinereous Vulture
        • Circaetus
          • Short toed Snake Eagle
        • Pernis
          • European Honey Buzzard
        • Buteo
          • Common Buzzard
          • Long legged Buzzard
        • Accipiter
          • Eurasian Sparrowhawk
          • Levant Sparrowhawk
        • Neophron
          • Egyptian Vulture
      • Pandionidae
        • Pandion
          • Osprey
    • Coraciiformes
      • Meropidae
        • Merops
          • European Bee eater
      • Coraciidae
        • Coracias
          • European Roller
      • Upupidae
        • Upupa
          • Hoopoe
      • Halcyonidae
        • Alcedo
          • Common Kingfisher
    • Galliformes
      • Phasianidae
        • Coturnix
          • Common Quail
        • Tetrastes
          • Hazel Grouse
        • Tetrao
          • Western Capercaillie
        • Alectoris
          • Rock Partridge
    • Anseriformes
      • Anatidae
        • Anas
          • Mallard
          • Northern Pintail
          • Gadwall
          • Eurasian Wigeon
          • Northern Shoveler
          • Eurasian Teal
          • Garganey
        • Aythya
          • Common Pochard
          • Tufted Duck
        • Oxyura
          • White headed Duck
        • Cygnus
          • Mute Swan
        • Anser
          • Greylag Goose
          • Greater White fronted Goose
        • Tadorna
          • Common Shelduck
        • Mergus
          • Red breasted Merganser
        • Melanitta
          • Velvet Scoter
        • Clangula
          • Long tailed Duck
    • Gruiformes
      • Rallidae
        • Rallus
          • Water Rail
        • Porzana
          • Little Crake
          • Spotted Crake
        • Fulica
          • Eurasian Coot
        • Gallinula
          • Common Moorhen
      • Otididae
        • Tetrax
          • Little Bustard
      • Gruidae
        • Grus
          • Common Crane
    • Piciformes
      • Picidae
        • Dryocopus
          • Black Woodpecker
        • Picus
          • European Green Woodpecker
          • Grey headed Woodpecker
        • Dendrocopos
          • Middle Spotted Woodpecker
          • Great Spotted Woodpecker
          • Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
          • White backed Woodpecker
          • Syrian Woodpecker
        • Jynx
          • Eurasian Wryneck
    • Columbiformes
      • Columbidae
        • Streptopelia
          • Eurasian Collared Dove
          • European Turtle Dove
          • Laughing Dove
        • Columba
          • Common Wood Pigeon
    • Caprimulgiformes
      • Caprimulgidae
        • Caprimulgus
          • European Nightjar
    • Apodiformes
      • Apodidae
        • Apus
          • Alpine Swift
          • Pallid Swift
    • Podicipediformes
      • Podicipedidae
        • Podiceps
          • Red necked Grebe
          • Black necked Grebe
          • Great Crested Grebe
          • Horned Grebe
        • Tachybaptus
          • Little Grebe
    • Ciconiiformes
      • Ardeidae
        • Ardea
          • Purple Heron
          • Grey Heron
        • Ardeola
          • Squacco Heron
        • Bubulcus
          • Cattle Egret
        • Egretta
          • Little Egret
          • Great Egret
        • Botaurus
          • Eurasian Bittern
        • Ixobrychus
          • Little Bittern
        • Nycticorax
          • Black crowned Night Heron
      • Ciconiidae
        • Ciconia
          • Black Stork
          • White Stork
      • Threskiornithidae
        • Plegadis
          • Glossy Ibis
        • Platalea
          • Eurasian Spoonbill
    • Cuculiformes
      • Cuculidae
        • Cuculus
          • Common Cuckoo
        • Clamator
          • Great Spotted Cuckoo
    • Psittaciformes
      • Psittaculidae
        • Psittacula
          • Rose ringed Parakeet
    • Suliformes
      • Phalacrocoracidae
        • Phalacrocorax
          • Great Cormorant
          • Pygmy Cormorant
          • European Shag
    • Phoenicopteriformes
      • Phoenicopteridae
        • Phoenicopterus
          • Greater Flamingo
    • Pelecaniformes
      • Pelecanidae
        • Pelecanus
          • Dalmatian Pelican
          • Great White Pelican
    • Gaviiformes
      • Gaviidae
        • Gavia
          • Black throated Loon
  • Plants
    • Liliales
      • Liliaceae
        • Fritillaria
          • Fritillaria gussichiae
        • Lilium
          • Lilium chalcedonicum
    • Asparagales
      • Orchidaceae
        • Neotinea
          • Neotinea ustulata
          • Neotinea tridentata
        • Orchis
          • Orchis simia
          • Orchis mascula
          • Orchis purpurea
        • Anacamptis
          • Anacamptis pyramidalis
        • Ophrys
          • Ophrys mammosa
      • Iridaceae
        • Crocus
          • Crocus chrysanthus
          • Crocus veluchensis
      • Amaryllidaceae
        • Galanthus
          • Galanthus elwesii
      • Hyacinthaceae
        • Scilla
          • Scilla subnivalis
        • Ornithogalum
          • Ornithogalum sibthorpii
    • Asterales
      • Asteraceae or Compositae
        • Echinops
          • Echinops ritro ritro
        • Tussilago
          • Tussilago farfara
      • Campanulaceae
        • Campanula
          • Campanula versicolor
    • Geraniales
      • Geraniaceae
        • Erodium
          • Erodium cicutarium
    • Alismatales
      • Butomaceae
        • Butomus
          • Butomus umbellatus
    • Pinales
      • Pinaceae
        • Picea
          • Norway spruce
  • Arachnids
    • Araneae
      • Lycosidae
        • Geolycosa
          • Geolycosa vultuosa
  • Mammals
    • Carnivora
      • Canidae
        • Canis
          • Gray wolf
        • Vulpes
          • Red fox
      • Ursidae
        • Ursus
          • Eurasian brown bear
      • Felidae
        • Felis
          • Wildcat
      • Mustelidae
        • Meles
          • European badger
    • Lagomorpha
      • Leporidae
        • Lepus
          • European hare
    • Rodentia
      • Sciuridae
        • Sciurus
          • Red squirrel
        • Spermophilus
          • European ground squirrel
      • Echimyidae
        • Myocastor
          • Coypu
  • Insects
    • Coleoptera
      • Lucanidae
        • Lucanus
          • Stag beetle
      • Buprestidae
        • Buprestis
          • Buprestis novemmaculata gravida
        • Capnodis
          • Capnodis carbonaria
          • Capnodis tenebricosa
        • Chalcophora
          • Chalcophora detrita detrita
      • Cerambycidae
        • Rosalia
          • Rosalia longicorn
        • Rhamnusium
          • Rhamnusium bicolor
        • Pachyta
          • Pachyta quadrimaculata
        • Dorcadion
          • Dorcadion purkynei
          • Dorcadion obenbergeri
          • Dorcadion equestre reclinatum
        • Rhaesus
          • Rhaesus serricollis
        • Stictoleptura
          • Stictoleptura rubra rubra
        • Prionus
          • Tanner Beetle
      • Carabidae
        • Carabus
          • Carabus scabrosus bureschianus
          • Huge Violet Ground Beetle
          • Violet Ground Beetle
          • Carabus gigas
          • Carabus hortensis
        • Cicindela
          • Cicindela sylvatica
        • Calosoma
          • Caterpillar-hunter
          • Forest Caterpillar Hunter
      • Geotrupidae
        • Trypocopris
          • Spring Dumbledor
        • Anoplotrupes
          • Dor Beetle
      • Meloidae
        • Meloe
          • Meloe cicatricosus
      • Dytiscidae
        • Cybister
          • Cybister lateralimarginalis
    • Lepidoptera
      • Nymphalidae
        • Apatura
          • Apatura iris
        • Limenitis
          • Limenitis reducta
        • Charaxes
          • Charaxes jasius
        • Vanessa
          • Vanessa atalanta
          • Vanessa cardui
        • Polygonia
          • Polygonia c-album
        • Danaus
          • Danaus chrysippus
        • Nymphalis
          • Nymphalis antiopa
          • Nymphalis polychloros
        • Libythea
          • Libythea celtis
        • Melitaea
          • Melitaea didyma
        • Aglais
          • Aglais urticae
      • Papilionidae
        • Iphiclides
          • Iphiclides podalirius
        • Parnassius
          • Parnassius (Parnassius) apollo
          • Parnassius (Driopa) mnemosyne
        • Papilio
          • Papilio (Papilio) machaon
        • Zerynthia
          • Zerynthia (Allancastria) cerisyi
          • Zerynthia (Zerynthia) polyxena
      • Saturniidae
        • Saturnia
          • Saturnia (Saturnia) pyri
          • Saturnia (Eudia) pavoniella
      • Zygaenidae
        • Zygaena
          • Zygaena (Zygaena) lonicerae
          • Zygaena (Agrumenia) carniolica
      • Sphingidae
        • Hyles
          • Hyles euphorbiae
      • Geometridae
        • Boudinotiana
          • Boudinotiana notha
      • Pieridae
        • Gonepteryx
          • Gonepteryx cleopatra
        • Anthocharis
          • Anthocharis cardamines
      • Lycaenidae
        • Callophrys
          • Callophrys (Callophrys) rubi
    • Odonata
      • Libellulidae
        • Sympetrum
          • Red-veined darter
    • Orthoptera
      • Tettigoniidae
        • Saga
          • Greek Predatory Bush-cricket
  • Reptiles
    • Squamata
      • Colubridae
        • Elaphe
          • Four-lined snake
      • Anguidae
        • Pseudopus
          • Sheltopusik
        • Anguis
          • Slowworm
      • Lacertidae
        • Lacerta
          • European green lizard
  • Amphibians
    • Caudata
      • Salamandridae
        • Salamandra
          • Fire salamander
        • Ichthyosaura
          • Alpine newt
    • Amphibia
      • Anura
        • Hylidae
          • European tree frog
  • Jellyfish
    • Rhizostomeae
      • Cepheidae
        • Cotylorhiza
          • Mediterranean jelly
      • Rhizostomatidae
        • Rhizostoma
          • Βarrel jellyfish
Little Owl
Athene noctua
18 May 2017
House Sparrow
Passer domesticus
18 May 2017
Little Owl
Athene noctua
18 May 2017
Barn Owl
Tyto alba
18 May 2017
Great Tit
Parus major
13 May 2017
Eurasian Bullfinch
Pyrrhula pyrrhula
13 May 2017
Little Egret
Egretta garzetta
7 May 2017
Number of : 10
Date of capt. : 7 May 2017
© Lev Paraskevopoulos
Black winged Stilt
Himantopus himantopus
7 May 2017
Number of : 3
Date of capt. : 7 May 2017
© Lev Paraskevopoulos
Woodchat Shrike
Lanius senator
7 May 2017
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 7 May 2017
© Lev Paraskevopoulos
Little Ringed Plover
Charadrius dubius
7 May 2017
Little Egret
Egretta garzetta
5 May 2017
Eurasian Scops Owl
Otus scops
25 Apr. 2017
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 25 Apr. 2017
© Lev Paraskevopoulos
Little Grebe
Tachybaptus ruficollis
23 Apr. 2017
Number of : 3
Date of capt. : 23 Apr. 2017
© Lev Paraskevopoulos
Eurasian Reed Warbler
Acrocephalus scirpaceus
23 Apr. 2017
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 23 Apr. 2017
© Lev Paraskevopoulos
Great Reed Warbler
Acrocephalus arundinaceus
23 Apr. 2017
Number of : 4
Date of capt. : 23 Apr. 2017
© Lev Paraskevopoulos
Common Nightingale
Luscinia megarhynchos
23 Apr. 2017
Number of : 5
Date of capt. : 23 Apr. 2017
© Lev Paraskevopoulos
Eurasian Penduline Tit
Remiz pendulinus
23 Apr. 2017
Number of : 5
Date of capt. : 23 Apr. 2017
© Lev Paraskevopoulos
Common Cuckoo
Cuculus canorus
23 Apr. 2017
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 23 Apr. 2017
© Lev Paraskevopoulos
Eurasian Golden Oriole
Oriolus oriolus
23 Apr. 2017
Number of : 1
Date of capt. : 23 Apr. 2017
© Lev Paraskevopoulos
White Stork
Ciconia ciconia
15 Apr. 2017
Little Owl - Athene noctua © Lev Paraskevopoulos (18 May 2017)
House Sparrow - Passer domesticus © Lev Paraskevopoulos (18 May 2017)
Little Owl - Athene noctua © Lev Paraskevopoulos (18 May 2017)
Barn Owl - Tyto alba © Lev Paraskevopoulos (18 May 2017)
Great Tit - Parus major © Lev Paraskevopoulos (13 May 2017)
Eurasian Bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula © Lev Paraskevopoulos (13 May 2017)
Little Egret - Egretta garzetta © Lev Paraskevopoulos (7 May 2017)
Black winged Stilt - Himantopus himantopus © Lev Paraskevopoulos (7 May 2017)
Woodchat Shrike - Lanius senator © Lev Paraskevopoulos (7 May 2017)
Little Ringed Plover - Charadrius dubius © Lev Paraskevopoulos (7 May 2017)
Little Egret - Egretta garzetta © Lev Paraskevopoulos (5 May 2017)
Eurasian Scops Owl - Otus scops © Lev Paraskevopoulos (25 Apr. 2017)
Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficollis © Lev Paraskevopoulos (23 Apr. 2017)
Eurasian Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus scirpaceus © Lev Paraskevopoulos (23 Apr. 2017)
Great Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus arundinaceus © Lev Paraskevopoulos (23 Apr. 2017)
Common Nightingale - Luscinia megarhynchos © Lev Paraskevopoulos (23 Apr. 2017)
Eurasian Penduline Tit - Remiz pendulinus © Lev Paraskevopoulos (23 Apr. 2017)
Common Cuckoo - Cuculus canorus © Lev Paraskevopoulos (23 Apr. 2017)
Eurasian Golden Oriole - Oriolus oriolus © Lev Paraskevopoulos (23 Apr. 2017)
White Stork - Ciconia ciconia © Lev Paraskevopoulos (15 Apr. 2017)

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